All the News That's Fit to Stream

By Carl Weiss
Garrison Keillor
Garrison Keillor (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

“A good newspaper is never nearly good enough, but a lousy newspaper is a joy forever.” At least that’s the way that Garrison Keillor saw it.  Through the years many notables have weighed  in on the veracity of newspaper reporting, their opinions formed mostly by the way in which they were portrayed by the media.

President Lyndon Johnson’s opinion of reportage was framed by this quote, “The fact that a man is a newspaper reporter is evidence of some flaw of character.”

The late actress Bette Davis on the other hand quipped, “With the newspaper on strike, I wouldn’t consider dying.”

Love them or hate them, newspapers in the US have been a source of controversy since the first newspaper was printed in Boston in 1690.  (Coincidentally, only one edition of this newspaper was published before the paper was suppressed by the government.)  However, it wasn’t long before a longer lived successor made it into print in 1704, followed by other weeklies in New York and Philadelphia.  For the next two hundred years, newspapers ruled the roost in cities and towns as the place where everything from curiosities, calamity, births, deaths and ads were made available to the masses.

While the broadcast media of radio and television made a bit of a dent in the armor that newspaper publishers wore, so popular and powerful a medium was it that by 2007 there were 6,580 dailies in the world with a combined 395 million readers.  During its heyday newspapers turned a number of publishers into moguls and a number of writers into celebrities.

“Newspaper readership is declining like crazy.  In fact, there’s a good chance that nobody is reading my column.” – Dave Barry

Just two years after the newspaper business reached the above mentioned high water mark came its sudden implosion.  On Independence Day 2009, Business Insider reported,
Daily News
“As you may have noticed, newspapers have had a rough 2009.  But you may not quite appreciate the magnitude of the collapse. So far this year:
·         105 newspapers have been shuttered.
·         10,000 newspaper jobs have been lost.
·         Print ad sales fell 30% in Q1 '09.
·         23 of the top 25 newspapers reported circulation declines between 7% and 20%”.

While the Great Recession had something to do with the problems that many print venues faced in 2009 it was by no means the entire story.  Since the early years of the twenty-first century, the rise of the Internet had caused a major decline in circulation and advertising revenues at major dailies around the world.  No longer a monopoly for such things as classified advertisements, free classified ad sites such as Craigslist, began to undermine the very foundations upon which newspapers were built.

The decline in advertising revenues affected both the print and online media; print advertising was once lucrative but no longer is, and the prices and effectiveness of online advertising are often lower than those of their print precursors. Besides remodeling advertising, the internet has challenged the business models of the print-only era by democratizing and crowdsourcing both publishing in general (sharing information with others) and, more specifically, journalism (the work of finding, assembling, and reporting the news). In addition, the rise of news aggregators, which bundle linked articles from many online newspapers and other sources, influences the flow of web traffic.” – Wikipedia

Decade this far wealth vs internet growth
Decade this far wealth vs internet growth (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The double whammy of economic decline combined with the rise of the Internet was like the perfect storm to the newspaper industry.  The years 2009-2013 saw not only the demise of a number of newspapers that had been printed for many years, but it also saw a number of prominent dailies changing hands, including most recently the Boston Globe and the Los Angeles Times.  The Globe which had been owned for twenty years by the New York Times was sold on October 24, 2013 to John W. Henry (owner of the Boston Red Sox) for $70 million in cash. 

Other dailies were not so fortunate.  Overall, the industry has lost more than $40 billion in revenue in the past ten years alone.  And the trend is not predicted to end any time soon. 

The Pew Research Center’s annual State of the Media 2013 report, which came out this morning, suggests the industry’s fundamentals are still somber:
·         Print advertising fell again, and not by a little — down $1.5 billion in 2012 to dip below $20 billion for the first time since 1982.
·         Classifieds losses are no longer the culprit. National advertising, already weak in 2011, fell by roughly 10 percent. That suggests that the shift of budgets to a range of digital marketing options is accelerating. The exception is preprinted inserts, for now still an essential part of the marketing mix for major retailers.
·         Digital advertising, its rates ever lower, grew very slowly (3 percent) and came nowhere close to covering print losses (one dollar gained for every 16 lost in print). Audience for smart phone and tablet news reports continues to grow quickly, but accompanying advertising is largely a no-show.

Statistically speaking, even a sagging economy is not enough to account for the industry’s fate.  In fact, the revenues didn’t so much disappear as relocate.  If you look at the biggest online advertising winner during the same time frame (Google) you will notice that since 2009 their revenues have soared to $46 billion while the newspaper industry has seen its revenue decline to around $20 billion.  Coincidence? 

The numbers don’t lie and neither do publishers who are desperate to find a way to stem the slide 
Historical Society Volunteers Relocate Archive...toward dissolution.  A number of dailies have accomplished this by gutting their reporting staff, while others have taken the “If you can’t beat them, join them” stance by attempting to merge print and online venues.  Every daily under the sun has commissioned an online version where they stream some stories and offer ads.  While this has helped stem the tide somewhat, it is still unlikely to turn the financial slide around for most print venues.  What is needed is innovation. Here are a few ideas being touted within the industry.

1.      E-Readers - Hearst, which owns the Seattle Post Intelligencer, is experimenting with the idea of creating a Kindle-like electronic-reader device for its publications. People would receive the gadget when they subscribe, and it would regularly download issues. While there are still questions about how cheaply Hearst could create such a device, it shows that its executives are thinking outside the box, rather than just throwing in the towel.
2.      Erect a Pay Wall – A number of dailies including the New York Times and Newsday offer readers a limited number of articles for free.  Those who desire more access pay a subscription fee to gain access to the publication’s electronic version.
3.      Create Interactive Newspapers - The idea would be to bring interactivity to the newspapers and indulging the reader into it. A similar kind of thing has been once done in India by Volkswagen where they attached a recorded message, which played whenever a reader unfolded the last page [1]. Touch screens of suitable dimensions with some flash memory would be stitched into the newspapers, which would be pre-programmed. A user would just need to touch the screen to get the video played. Similar would be the audio player, which on selection would read out the particular news. To get an idea how it would look like, recall the scene in Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone where one can see that characters in movie while reading newspapers whose layout and content is changing magically. Today newspapers would like to make it happen digitally.
4.      Create new reporting models - New online models will spring up as papers retreat. One non-profit group, NewAssignment.Net, plans to combine the work of amateurs and professionals, to produce investigative stories on the internet. Aptly, $10,000 of cash for the project has come from Craig Newmark, of Craigslist, a group of free classified-advertisement websites that has probably done more than anything to destroy newspapers' income.

While the problems in the newspaper industry are many and the solutions few, what is clear, is that if 
Herald Square clock
print venues hope to survive in the digital age they need to find a model that can cross the generation gap to deliver all the news that’s fit to stream.  To do this they are going to have to start innovating as well as interacting with and listening to their readers.

“While editors and newspaper owners currently fret over shrinking readership and lost profits, they do the one thing that insures cutting their own throats; they keep reducing space for the one feature that attracts new young readers in the first place; the comic strips.” Elayne Boosler

Carl Weiss is president of Working the Web to Win, a digital marketing agency in Jacksonville, Florida.  He is also co-host of the weekly web radio show of the same name as well as the YouTube series.
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this amazing and informative article ... enjoyed every bit of it .. :)

