Everything I Know About Online Marketing I Learned by Playing Blackjack

by Carl Weiss

While I have been making my living as an online marketer and consultant since 1995, before that my professional life revolved around beating the casinos at their own game.  My game of choice back then was blackjack.  As anyone who has ever ventured inside a casino knows, the gaming halls are better protected than NORAD.  Between the eye-in-the-sky and trained personnel on and off the casino floor, most people would be hard pressed to devise a system that could take money from them on a regular basis.  In fact, if you ask any pitboss, he or she will tell you that they welcome system players with open arms.  Why?  Simply because most systems don’t work.  And those that do, well let’s just say that the casinos don’t like it when you do to them what they do to everyone else.

So, how did I manage to make my living month in and month out for better than twenty years right under the very noses of a virtual army of people who were paid to prevent me from doing just that?  It boiled down to just four things:

  1. Having a game plan that worked both on paper and in the real world.
  2. Hitting them where they weren’t looking.
  3. Developing a team that was committed to playing the game over the long haul.
  4. Hiring a captain who would be tasked with organizing, training and managing the team.

The other thing that separates the pros from the amateurs is a little thing called commitment.  While amateurs only look at the results in front of them, a professional is only concerned with long term gains and losses.  What this meant in realtime was that as the play progressed over days and weeks, accurate records were kept and adjustments were made to optimize every player’s earning potential.  Everyone on the team was trained and tested on a regular basis.  Due to such factors as joint bankroll, every player was able to wager higher amounts without incurring the risk of depleting their bankroll and going bust.  While we didn’t win every time we played, we never had a losing month.  And we never, ever, lost an entire bankroll.

Exciting stuff right?  Sure, but what does all of the above have to do with online marketing?  You see, the same principles that worked in the green felt jungle can also be employed in cyberspace.  From a mathematical standpoint, online marketing is nothing more than a game that if played properly can result in a profitable outcome.  In fact, there have been a number of online marketing professionals who have been accused of “Gaming” the Internet, by employing Black Hat tactics designed to unfairly favor their clients.  (It would come as no surprise to any casino professional that where there is money, there are cheaters.)

The problem with black hat tactics is that once detected, not only do the professionals that employ them incur the wrath of the search engine operators, so do all their clients.  Besides, just as with blackjack, you don’t have to cheat them to beat them.  All it takes is a mathematically sound system, accurate tracking and playing consistency to come out ahead.  Plus, just as with professional card counting, utilizing team tactics online actually accentuates the gains that any individual can hope to achieve.

How can team work pay dividends?  In any number of ways.  First of all, you have to understand that modern Search Engine Optimization (SEO) takes into consideration a number of factors, such as blogs, social networks, reviews, recommendations, videos and the frequency and quality of content updates.  All of these factors can be favorably enhanced by using the buddy system.  For instance, I will review your site if you will review mine.  You can like me on the social networking scene and I can do the same for you.  These are tactics which can be employed by virtually anybody.  Even from a motivational factor, having someone holding you accountable to continuing to publish regular updates is in itself invaluable.  But if you want to really play with the big boys, you need to take your game to the pro level.  The only way to do that is hire a pro, someone knows the game, plays it full time, has the resources to stay ahead of the competition and can organize and manage a team. 

A professional online marketer not only has the experience to keep a team on track, he or she also has the knowledge,  resources and time to advise, train, and  manage a group of busy businesspeople.  A pro will take the time to keep up to date and can reach out to other professionals to see what’s down the road.  The web never sleeps and as a result by the time most laymen have gotten a bead on something that is of value to their marketing mix, it is usually too late to fully exploit it.  Plus, there is the daunting task of organizing a team, which is not for the faint of heart.

The best online tiger team team ideally consists of businesspeople who work the opposite side of the same street.  Excellent collaborations can be made between service providers and contractors.  Home remodelers work well with plumbers, electricians, roofers, home inspectors and other subcontractors.  Advertising agencies are a good fit for marketing firms, website designers, printers, sign makers and videographers. 

Once the nucleus of a team is formed, the next step is to get everyone to agree on a regularly scheduled face-to-face meeting on at least a monthly basis.  While a lot of what goes on in team play can be handled remotely, such tasks as training and review need to be done live.  Anyone who can’t commit to taking 60-90 minutes out of their busy schedule every 30 days should be left on the sidelines.  The first rule of team play is that, “There is no “I” in “T-E-A-M.  This translates to everyone committing the same amount of time to the effort.  If you don’t play, you won’t get paid.

Rule number two is, there is only one team captain and everyone must follow the leader.  The greatest system in the world will do you no good if everyone isn’t using it.  More money is made in Las Vegas from weekend warrior card counters then from greenhorn players, simply because they don’t stick to the plan.  They start to let their emotions take control.  They are no longer driving the bus. 

Online, this translates into momentum gained or lost. If you are supposed to post a review for your teammates in the next few days, then that’s what needs to be done.  If everyone else on the team posts a review on your site and you don’t post one on theirs, then you aren’t holding up your end of the deal.  Moreover, by doing so you are showing a lack of respect for everyone else on the team.  This is the surest way of being removed from a team that I have seen.  A team can’t afford slackers.

While using a team approach can be one of the best ways to take your Internet prowess to the top level, it can also be one of the most daunting.  You see, there’s no such thing as a free lunch, either on the gaming tables or on the Internet.  Just like you can’t get a little bit pregnant, you also can’t be on a team if you aren’t prepared to do your part, pull your weight and listen to the coach.  That’s one of the reasons that more people don’t take advantage of this winning technique.  It’s just like card counting. Virtually anyone can learn how to count cards. But most people don’t.  Why?  All I can tell you from twenty plus years of professional play is that most people are either too undisciplined or too lazy to learn a winning system.  As I used to say back in my casino days, “We thank all of you players for keeping the lights burning for us winners.”

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